GEOCAP closing week; open science day and closing ceremonyThe Geothermal Capacity Building program between Netherlands and Indonesia GEOCAP directly contributes to CO2 reduction by enhancing capabilities of geothermal energy in Indonesia. GEOCAP started in 2013 as a direct contribution to the National Geothermal Capacity Plan issued by BAPPENAS in 2011. The program brought together universities, knowledge institutes and industries from both of our countries. Over 90 experts united in GEOCAP, over 200 experts indirectly contributed to GEOCAP; a huge network was created. A total of 21 trainings were held attracting nearly 500 participants many from outside Java and with the support of BPSDM this training program could be further enhanced. A geothermal handbook is now available and training materials on 20 topics freely accessible to teachers from the GEOCAP website ( Under the research program of GEOCAP 7 PhDs supported by staff from Indonesia and Netherlands are tackling challenges brought up by industries for which a unique sandwich PhD program was set up and endorsed by DIKTI and supported by LPDP was set up. Together with the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, a prototype geothermal data base was build. GEOCAP for the first time investigated the potential for direct use applications in Indonesia which holds great promise. Outreach and awareness creation was also an important aspect of GEOCAP as there is a continued concern by the general public when it comes to exploration and conflicts of interest between energy production and forest conservation. Though GEOCAP finishes due to the PhDs the program is extended until 2021. During this phase we will continue to work on research with Indonesian Industries on keeping geothermal reservoirs producing and reducing the risk of failure of drilling. This will sustain also some training activities with the universities. There are possibilities to also further develop some of the business leads that came out of GEOCAP including developing Direct use potential, Small scale electricity production as the case of Flores and curriculum development at Regional universities. GEOCAP was made possible through the support of the Netherlands (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassy) and was co funded by LPDP, BPSDM and received in kind funding from Indonesian industries. The program was executed under the auspices of an Advisory Board chaired by BAPPENAS. More information about GEOCAP can be found here.Read more
GEOCAP open science dayAfter 5 years of project implementation, GEOCAP will hold a final closing symposium in early 2019. One of the event is GEOCAP Open Science Day. In this event GEOCAP will share its scientific achievements with the general public and interested parties on 6 February 2019 at the Erasmus Huis Jakarta on the premises of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Backstopping and sustainability of the network is important for the community of practice that we have built over the last years. Hence we will also share some activities that are continuing that can be joined and we will discuss novel issues we may want to develop under a new program.Read more
GEOCAP closing week; open science day and closing ceremony
GEOCAP open science day
Meet our PhD student - Fauzi Purwandono
Meet our PhD student - Lukman Sutrisno
GEOCAP Handbook the first edition
Collaboration Agreement on Airborne Survey in Flores
- GEOCAP at EGU 2018
Training: Geochemistry for Geothermal Development
- IIGCE 2017 Presentations
Training on Advanced Remote Sensing for Geothermal Exploration
- Workshop on Direct Use of Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Sources
Producing geothermal energy in Indonesia